Field Trips

Field Trips with the EUREKA! McConnell Science Museum

Bring your students to the EUREKA! McConnell Science Museum for science exploration in the museum exhibit hall, add a classroom investigation and hands-on activity, explore our local ecosystems outdoors with our Environmental Institute team, or Dig In! and get dirty at the CSU Research Center in EUREKA!'s satellite classroom on the farm!


Field trips for the 2024-2025 school year are now open!

To request a field trip at any of our locations, please fully read the information below, then fill out the request form:

Field Trip options with EUREKA!

Exhibit Hall

At EUREKA!, students can explore 100+ hands-on exhibits! They'll investigate force and motion through our pipe slide wall, explore geology as they enter our cave, journey through the stars in our space shuttle simulator, and get their hands wet as they study the water patterns of rivers.

Base Price:

  • District 51 Classrooms (Excludes Charters): Free
  • Other Classrooms/Groups: $6/Student (No charge for chaperones)
    • Schools within the Gunnison River Basin qualify for a discounted rate ($5/student). Please mention this in your field trip request.
    • Schools are responsible for finding their own bus transportation. Bus funds may also be available by contacting

Base field trip visits are 1.5 hours long.

Classroom Investigation Lesson (Add-On)

Extend student learning by adding a classroom investigation!

  • Engineering a Rollercoaster (K-12)
  • LEGO Egg Drop (K-12)
  • KnowAtom: Sound Energy & Materials (Grades 3-8)
  • KnowAtom: Friction & Motion (Grades 3-8)

Add-On Price:

  • D51 Classes (Excludes Charters): (Free)
  • Other Classrooms/Groups Additional $3/Student (No charge for chaperones) (Minimum of 10 students)
    • Schools within the Gunnison River Basin qualify for a discounted add-on rate ($2/student). Please mention this in your field trip request.
    • Schools are responsible for finding their own bus transportation. Bus funds may also be available by contacting

*Classroom investigations are not available during the summer, or on school year holidays and Fridays.

Field trips with an added classroom investigation are 2 hours long. Groups larger than 30 will be split into multiple sections and rotated through.

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Field trips must be requested at minimum 14 days in advance. However, highly sought after days & times are booked out significantly earlier than that. Please request your field trip as far in advance as possible to best ensure the day/time you are requesting is available. We are currently accepting field trip requests through May 2025.

The museum is a hands-on self explore facility, as such guided tours are not offered. However, printable exhibit hall worksheets can be found here!

Bus and Visitor Parking

Buses may drop students off at EUREKA! but will need to park off-site (Lincoln Park is close by). Please see the map for more details.

Bus and Visitor Parking Map

Explore science outdoors in the Grand Valley with our Environmental Institute team! EUREKA! staff will meet you at a trailhead or other outdoor location to facilitate a hike and teach about our fascinating local ecosystems.

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  • District 51 Schools (Excludes Charter): Free
  • Non-District 51 groups: $9/Student

Offered from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM on Mondays - Thursdays.

Maximum 25 students, to minimize ecological impact and abide by public land permitting.

Field Trip Topics:

  • Desert Ecology: Learn about the plants and animals in our local desert and how this unique ecosystem is shaped by weather patterns, flora and fauna, and human impact. (Aligns with NGSS for Ecosystems, Earth's Systems, Energy, Earth and Human Activity for Grades K-5)
  • Amazing Adaptations: Learn about the wild ways desert plants and animals survive. To thrive in such a harsh environment, you'll need some incredible adaptations! (Aligns with NGSS for Earth's Systems, Structure and Function, Heredity, and Unity and Diversity grades K-5)
  • Brilliant Birds: Join an Audubon expert for a tour of local birds and their seasonal adaptations and migrations. *At Audubon Connected Lakes site unless otherwise specified. (Aligns with NGSS for Earth's Systems, Structure and Function, Heredity, and Unity and Diversity grades K-5)
  • Geology Rocks!: Come see weathering, erosion and deposition in action as we learn about the rock cycle and change over time in the Grand Valley. (Aligns with NGSS Earth's Systems, Earth's Place in the Universe, Earth and Human Activity, Motion and Stability Grades K-5)
  • Other: Let us know if you have a specific topic in mind!

Schools are responsible for funding their bus transportation. Bus funds may also be available by contacting
