Calling all future scientists and engineers! EUREKA! and D51 are partnering to host our annual elementary science fair! Here’s your chance to apply your love of STEM by creating and conducting your own scientific investigation. Participation is free for all 3-5th grade students, and students can either enter as an individual or as a team of no more than 3 members. Judging will be based on grade, so there will be separate prizes for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. If a team is composed of students from multiple grades, that poster will be judged in the grade category of the oldest participant’s grade.
Participation is open to all 3-5th graders living in Western Colorado!
Grades: 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders
Price: FREE
Project Submission:
All students/teams participating in the science fair must complete all of the following by Sunday, March 9, 2025:
Public Viewing and Awards Ceremony:
Science Fair Project Funds: Less than 30% of STEM jobs are held by women. Data through the UIS show that women are published less, paid less, and do not progress as far as men in STEM fields. Due to the generosity of a donor, we have funding to support and encourage the participation of females in the Western Colorado Elementary Science Fair! Elementary science fair teams that are entirely comprised of female-identifying participants have access to up to $50 per student to be used on project supplies. Please submit itemized receipts to Teams will be reimbursed after their project has been submitted.
Reimbursements for elementary teachers are available for supporting and guiding 3 or more student groups with their science fair. Please be sure to include the teacher name and school when submitting team registration forms.
Please contact or 970-254-1626.
It is important to wear proper protective gear when appropriate, such as gloves, googles, and aprons, in addition to disposing of waste properly when conducting a scientific investigation. We strongly recommend that guardians look up and study Safety Data Sheets for any chemicals that their students use, and accept responsibility for not allowing students to experiment with hazardous chemicals. Safety Data Sheets can be found through OSHA’s website at
Projects that include the following components go against our safety regulations, and will not be displayed or judged. These include, but are not limited to:
EUREKA! holds the right to not display projects if they believe the components break our safety regulations. Please contact EUREKA! directly to discuss if you are unsure about your student’s project.
By submitting a registration form, all attending participants authorize, allow, and release the unlimited publication of any audio, video and/or photographic images without payment of compensation or royalties.